Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

lobus anatomicus

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Top level pars principalis organi Short Extended
Level 2 componens organi Short Extended
Level 3 componens organi lobularis Short Extended
Current level lobus anatomicus
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
45728 16185
lobus anatomicus
anatomical lobe
7311 16160 part
lobus pulmonis
lobe of lung
7334 16186
lobus superior pulmonis
superior lobe of lung
7333 2987 part
lobus superior pulmonis dextri
superior lobe of right lung ; upper lobe of right lung
7370 3000 part
lobus superior pulmonis sinistri
superior lobe of left lung
7311 16187
lobus inferior pulmonis
inferior lobe of lung
7337 2994 part
lobus inferior pulmonis dextri
inferior lobe of right lung
7371 3005 part
lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri
inferior lobe of left lung
7383 2991 part
lobus medius pulmonis dextri
middle lobe of right lung
3054 part
lobus renalis
lobe of kidney
76518 3341
lobus prostatae ♂
lobe of prostate ♂
45701 3346 part
(lobus medius prostatae ♂ )
(middle lobe of prostate ♂ )
19574 3347 part
isthmus prostatae ♂ ; commissura prostatae ♂
isthmus of prostate ♂ ; commissure of prostate ♂
74627 3536 part
adenohypophysis ; lobus anterior hypophysis
adenohypophysis ; anterior lobe of hypophysis
74628 3540 part
neurohypophysis ; lobus posterior hypophysis
neurohypophysis ; posterior lobe of hypophysis
49180 3547 part
(lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae )
(pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland )
71193 4864 part
lobus thymi
lobe of thymus
17 items
19 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 16185
Invalid check Found children: 18
Invalid check Found units: 17
Invalid signature 3307 (stored value 9104)
Date: 25.08.2024